Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Esquire picks the best bars

I cannot believe Champs Corner in Hastings isn't on this list.

How many (if any) have you been to?


Monday, May 19, 2008

Steve O should take some lessons

I've never quite ever heard "Hey Jude" performed this way. Very entertaining.

Thanks to Denny Giantomasi for the link.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Is American beer any good?

Now that's a great headline if I've ever seen one. The Canadians are feeling the love for American craft beers now. Cool beans!

From Toronto's


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Great songwriter quotes

iSound has collected a bunch of quotes from great songwriters about the art (and work) of writing a song. It's funny and interesting and entertaining. Here are a few examples, and the full article is here.
Irving Berlin: "Listen kid, take my advice, never hate a song that has sold half a million copies."

George Gershwin: "Out of my entire annual output of songs, perhaps two, or at the most three, came as a result of inspiration. We can never rely on inspiration. When we most want it, it does not come."

Burt Bacharach: "Music breeds its own inspiration. You can only do it by doing it. You may not feel like it, but you push yourself. It's a work process. Or just improvise. Something will come."

Hal David: "I tended not to be concerned about whether a song was going to be a hit when I wrote it. Because it became evident that none of us knew what was a hit and what wasn't. So I thought if I just write what I like, why shouldn't people like what I like?"

Leonard Cohen: "I wish I were one of those people who wrote songs quickly. But I'm not. So it takes me a great deal of time to find out what the song is. I am working most of the time."

Neil Diamond: "Performing is the easiest part of what I do, and songwriting is the hardest."

Hank Williams: "If a song can't be written in 20 minutes, it ain't worth writing."


Friday, May 09, 2008

Gavin doesn't like labels

The term "singer-songwriter"” makes Gavin DeGraw cringe. "It makes you feel like a weakling the way all the singer songwriters are marketed, you know what I mean? ... It's not masculine enough for me. I don't feel like I fall into that category in a lot of ways."


Sunday, May 04, 2008

The summer of beer is coming soon

There are lots of summer beer festivals around, and gives you a six-pack of their favorites.

Road trip anyone?
