Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
But if I can see them, they they're real, right?

Here's a great list of the Top 10 Bands That Never Existed. Pictured above is The Commitments (in at #5) and Spinal Tap shows up at #2. Who's #1?
Labels: music news
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
I'm sure the MEB will stand the test of time, too

The rock classics used to be The Beatles and The Stones, Dylan, Led Zeppelin and The Who. But what more recent music is still selling and has become classic in its own right? delves into the question, and AC/DC, Metallica, and Radiohead are among the winners. And many artists that weren't big sellers at the time have become classics.
Very interesting article.
Labels: music news
Monday, July 16, 2007
Here's a flawed list

They're imploring artists to go solo, but many of them already have or have no reason to. I'm so confused.
But it is Monday, so I guess that only makes sense.
Labels: music news
Monday, July 09, 2007
Live Earth rocked on Saturday

I spent much of Saturday checking out the Live Earth concerts from around the world, and really enjoyed it. Loved The Police, John Mayer, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alicia Keys, and much more. Hope you got a chance to see it.
Article at
You can watch Live Earth performances on demand on MSN.

Labels: music news
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Album sales aren't so good

Some folks are saying that the album sales for the first part of 2007 could be some of the worst ever. Cool!!
Labels: music news
Monday, July 02, 2007
DMB marches on

Riding and then surpassing a wave of success from a rejuvenated post-Grateful Dead jam band scene, DMB has become, quite simply, the top-drawing American band in the world. In fact, only one act -- the Rolling Stones -- sold more tickets than DMB did in the preceding decade.
Labels: music news