Thursday, November 30, 2006

Feelin' Shifty & Mesozoic

When you think of places to see live music in Syracuse over the years, Shifty's on Burnet Ave. and the Dinosaur Bar-B-Que definitely come to mind. And in the next week you'll get the chance to see the MEB play at both iconic venues.

Saturday Dec 2 we'll take the stage at Shifty's around 9, all the while enjoying the cool atmosphere, cold beers, great food, and eclectic clientele. The new owners have made some nice improvements, making the whole bar more comfortable and accessible for everyone. C'mon out, you'll have a great time.

And next Wednesday Dec 6, we make our inaugural splash at the Syracuse Dinosaur, starting around 9 or 10 when the dinner crowd starts to clear out. This is a great opportunity for us to strut our stuff at the home of the best BBQ this side of Memphis. We'd really love to see a ton of you out to show the Dino folks that you want to see us there more often. Bethany will be behind the bar, the smell of the food will be incredible, and we'll be manning the same stage as hundreds of phenomenal musicians that have come before us. We can't wait.


Wo-o-o-h, halfway there ..

You know 'em, you love 'em, you can't help but sing along: the Top 5 Drunken Sing-A-Longs.

"Top 5 Drunken Sing-A-Longs" by Steve Horvath on CollegeHumor

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

You mean "Elvis" isn't really his name?!

So Elvis Costello is really Declan Patrick McManus, and Gene Simmons is a good Jewish boy: Chaim Witz. This page has a bunch more of these fun real names.

I think I'm changing mine to Vince Rocket. Whaddayathink?

What’s My Name Bitch! � MPL’s Blog

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Second Hand Songs

Lots of fun at this site if you're trying to remember who did a particular tune, and who has covered it, or a little about the history of a tune.
Find out who performed the original version of a particular song, or who covered that song. Unlike many related sites, we try to be as complete as possible (not just performer and song title, but also songwriters and original media) and order the data in a reusable and maintainable way.

Second Hand Songs

Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Simpsons unplugged

Heck, Jeff could do this ...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

From all of us in the MEB, have the happiest of Thanksgivings, and know that we are immensely thankful for all of your loyalty and support and friendship. We couldn't do it without you.

And follow this link to Let's Say Thanks, a website where you can send a free card to a member of our military stationed overseas, thanking them for all they've done for us.

Mike, Jeff, Steve and Paul

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Can white men sing the blues?

I gotta think Steve O has as much soul as anyone I know, so I know that white boys can sing the blues. Here's an interesting semi-historical look at the phenomenon of "Blue-Eyed Soul."

Friday, November 17, 2006

Fired Up for Saturday

This Saturday, Nov 18, the MEB makes our debut appearance at The Fireside Inn on Genesee St in Baldwinsville, NY. We play from 9-1. Always known for good food, The Fireside has revamped their music schedule to appeal to a new audience. If you haven't been there, or been there in a while, stop out and see what they have to offer. It's not your parents' Fireside anymore ... [map]

Upcoming dates
Saturday Dec 2 Shifty's
Wednesday Dec 6 Dinosaur Bar-B-Que

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Please stop touring

At a certain point, rock bands should just stop. Once you pass the point of relevance and head on down the road toward comic absurdity, and finally the depressing reality of a future full of casino shows – sorry Hall and Oates – you have to know when to call it quits. You might save the band’s integrity. Here’s a list of bands we feel really need to consider slowing down.

Please stop touring -

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The All-TIME 100 Albums

Time Magazine has compile a list of the greatest and most influential records ever. Yep, there'll be lots of arguments about this one, boys and girls.

The All-TIME 100 Albums

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Want to indulge yourself?

How about checking out WhiskyFest New York, a celebration of high-end whiskys? It was sold out this year, proving that when it comes to spending money on luxury items, alcohol is always a good choice. article
Malt Advocate magazine

Thursday, November 09, 2006

MEB in Oswego!

Oswego, here we come! The MEB storms into "A Great City on a Great Lake" on Saturday Nov 11, setting up shop at Greene's Ale House on Bridge St. We'll get started around 10, with all the locals in the house and keep partying until the late-night college crowd shows up to take us to closing time.

Don't forget to join us for our pre-Thanksgiving Bash next Saturday at the Fireside Inn in B'ville.

Check the blog and the band website for goofy entertainment and useful info.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

All About Wasabi

Everything you ever wanted to know about wasabi (and fake "western wasabi") and more. My sinuses are clearing just thinking about it.


Monday, November 06, 2006

Austin - music everywhere you look

They call themselves the Live Music Capital of the World, and who am I to argue? Here's a list of 10 great places to hear live music in Austin, the capital city of Texas.

Texas capital? Sure, but what about the music? -

Friday, November 03, 2006

New Bruce book out

Written by Bob Santelli, a former music critic for the Asbury Park Press, Greetings From E Street looks to be a really in-depth and interesting collection of photos, notes, documents and more.

Greetings From E Street

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Purple One meets Celine

I'm not sure what to make of this. Prince has agreed to a regular gig at 3121, a club inside the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas. That just seems weird to me for some reason. article.
3121 Club