Thursday, June 29, 2006

MEB @ Brae Loch and Dakota's

This Friday, June 30 we return to the Brae Loch Inn, Main St. Cazenovia. We'll be outside on the lawn starting at 7:00 PM (inside if the weather doesn't cooperate). The Brae Loch is always a good time... guaranteed.

The following night - Saturday July 1 - we make our debut appearance at Dakota's Brickhouse on Franklin St in Syracuse (formerly Romans Tavern). We start at 9:00 PM.

There, now you have something to do this weekend.

40 reasons to love John Cusack

An entertaining post about an eminently likeable guy from our friend Whitney at Pop Candy. - Pop Candy: Archives

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Another interesting list

Audio Video Revolution has put together their list of the top 100 rock bands of all time. They have a very intricate scoring system and it's very analytical, but I think it's pretty interesting.

For a sneek peak: Zeppelin at #1, U2 at #9, Bruce and the boys at #33, and a surprise at #43.

Thanks to Jim Lent for the link.

Top 100 Bands of All Time

All of Tori

Miss Tori Amos is going to release a box set of music featuring classic, B-sides, and unreleased material. This should be pretty dang cool.

NME.COM - News - Tori Amos to release career-spanning box set

Monday, June 26, 2006

You think the kid may be musical?

Elvis and Diana are expecting.

BBC NEWS | Costello and Krall expecting baby

15 People Who Make America Great

This is an inspiring list of folks who are making a difference. It's some really neat stuff.

I only have one question: Brad Pitt?!?

15 People Who Make America Great - The Giving Back Awards -

Friday, June 23, 2006

Man, we love Bill Withers

We play a couple of his tunes (Use Me and Ain't No Sunshine), and he's one great composer/songwriter/singer/musician. And his style is perfect for Steve's voice. He's getting an award from ASCAP and it's well deserved. Here's a solid but short interview with the legendary icon.

You, too, may be an accidental Bill Withers fan -

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A bunch of entertainment links

From the staff of Entertainment Weekly, here's a nice list of 100 entertainment-themed websites for you. This could keep me occupied all day, so I better get back to work now before I get started.

Entertainment Weekly's | Feature: Bookmark this page! 100 best entertainment sites

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Springsteen concert review

The Detroit-area show gets high marks from this reviewer.

Springsteen brings rock energy to folk standards

Sunday, June 18, 2006

‘Sweaty hippies’ share Bonnaroo with rock fans

The Bonnaroo festival was held this weekend in Manchester, TN, and I'll bet it was damn warm. Radiohead, Beck, Elvis Costello, Bela Fleck and more took the stage at this huge festival on 700 acres of farmland just off I-24 in the middle of Tennessee.

‘Sweaty hippies’ share Bonnaroo with rock fans - MUSIC -
And a review from

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I think I'll take a Blue Light for $2.50 instead

Anybody want to order a bottle of 60-year-old Macallan scotch for $38,000? Yowza. But folks are buying it. Unbelievable.

Wired News: Whiskey Fans Order High-End Hooch

Monday, June 12, 2006

Mike shows his good side at Balloon Fest

We know it was a good day at the 93Q Coors Light Balloon Fest when we get a picture of Mike's butt on the web, right behind Ted and Amy.

Follow the link for a whole gallery of pictures.

93Q - The #1 Hit Music Station

Are we ready for Paul to turn 64?

No, not me.

Paul McCartney will turn 64 on June 18. Are we prepared for one of this generation's greatest songwriters to be old and cranky?

He might need to change it to 'When I'm 84' - Los Angeles Times

Friday, June 09, 2006

DLR is really a wacko

David Lee Roth has released a bluegrass Van Halen tribute album. No, really, I'm serious. I think we're all going to need more drugs to get through this.

Here he is performing "Jump" on Jay Leno.

Roth releases Van Halen bluegrass tribute - COUNTRY MUSIC -

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

RIP, Billy, we'll miss you

Playing alongside the Beatles, Stones, Aretha Franklin, Bob Dylan and more, Billy Preston was one of the funkiest men alive. The music world has lost a legend.

‘Fifth Beatle’ Billy Preston dies - Music -

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tom & the Boys hit 30

Petty & the Heartbreakers celebrate 30 years - Summer concerts -

Monday, June 05, 2006

Radiohead concert review - Radiohead: A ticket worth the effort

Hit me with your best shot

Somebody out there is complaining about shot girls? What? Why? | `Shot Girls' Take Hold

Friday, June 02, 2006

18 Nights of Bruce

AOL is streaming video from 18 nights of Bruce's latest tour in support of his Seeger Sessions disc.

It's almost like being there.

OK, not really, but it's cool anyway.

18 Nights of Bruce Springsteen -- Watch U.S. Tour Performances - AOL Music

Oasis beats the Beatles?!?

This may just prove our contention that all those English folks have a completely different view on life than we do. An Oasis album is the best album ever made?

They might as well have chosen The Wiggles or David Hasselhoff.
(Thanks to Jim Willoughby for the link)

Oasis beats Beatles in best album poll - Yahoo! News

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I'll be your wingman, Steve

Cause we all know you could use one, studley. We'll help you out, we're buddies like that. We'll take care of the friend so you can hook up with the hottie. That's what buds do for each other, dude.

Secrets of a good wingman -

Heard any good bands lately?

Besides the MEB, you mean?

A great collection of new music links from our Pop Candy guru, Miss Whitney Matheson. You could spend hours listening to all this music.

Now that's a way to spend a Thursday. - Pop Candy: Heard any good bands lately?