Rock Honors on VH1 tonight

They taped it Friday night, and here are some cool photos from the event.
MSN-Mainichi Daily News: Photo Specials
I'm guessing most of us have a cell phone and an MP3 player of some sort (iPod or other). At least a lot of us techies. So will you continue to have two devices, each getting more specialized, or do you want everything combined in one device? This columnist from Wired weighs in with his opinion and then charts the reactions of his readers.
'I'm sure I made a lot of mistakes,' Nelson said with a smile, sitting in a luxury suite at New York's Carlyle Hotel, a whiff of marijuana drifting down the corridor.
Nelson admits he's had a few run-ins with the law over his pot smoking habits. 'If you're going to be out there with it, somebody's going to pull you over, just because they can. ... I talk about it a lot, but I'm not going to walk into some police station burning one down and say, 'How are you all doing?'
He says the pot smoking hasn't hindered his songwriting. On the contrary, it may have helped filter out the duds.
'I figured if it wasn't worth remembering it probably wasn't a very good song, so that would be the test, to see if I remembered it until I got back to a guitar or a piano,' he said. 'That was usually a pretty good measuring stick, but I'm sure I forgot a few that might have been OK.'
Last week we linked to Condi Rice's top musical choices, so it's only fair that we also check out the other side of the aisle. It seems that Bill bought Hillary an iPod for her birthday, and our Senator Clinton lets us know what tunes she's rocking these days.
Why do bands keep audiences waiting? Richard Witts addressed the question recently in Cambridge University's international multi-disciplinary academic journal Popular Music. His study is called I'm Waiting for the Band: Protraction and Provocation at Rock Concerts.
Whitney Matheson from throws us a few music links today, from Pearl Jam to Scott Miller to a cover of Pat Benatar's Invincible.