Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Rock Honors on VH1 tonight

They taped it Friday night, and here are some cool photos from the event.

MSN-Mainichi Daily News: Photo Specials

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Acoustic Foo

While on their tour in the UK, the Foo Fighters are taking a night to do an all-acoustic show in London. Now that should be pretty damn cool.

NME.COM - News - Foo Fighters to play UK acoustic show

Phone & MP3 Player, or both in one?

I'm guessing most of us have a cell phone and an MP3 player of some sort (iPod or other). At least a lot of us techies. So will you continue to have two devices, each getting more specialized, or do you want everything combined in one device? This columnist from Wired weighs in with his opinion and then charts the reactions of his readers.

Wired News: Music Phones Want to Be Free

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Dave loves the lure of the road

When you've done nothing but tour for decades now, I guess you'd get pretty damn comfortable. And that's really cool.

Dave Matthews feels at home on the road -

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Chicks are still fighting the fight

With a new album out, the Dixie Chicks are again causing controversy in the world of country music. It's going to be interesting to see the long term effects of this on them and their career.

It's Dixie Chicks vs. Country Fans, but Who's Dissing Whom? - New York Times

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Black Horse and the Cherry Tree - Live

This is an incredible live video of KT Tunstall using electronic looping to really rock out this song all by herself. I liked this tune before, but after seeing this video, I like it even more.

YouTube - KT Tunstall - Big black horse and the cherry tree - Live

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Becoming Punk

Here's a photo gallery from about some of the bands that made punk music what it was and is. - Influential Punk Bands

Why we love Willie Nelson, reason #245

'I'm sure I made a lot of mistakes,' Nelson said with a smile, sitting in a luxury suite at New York's Carlyle Hotel, a whiff of marijuana drifting down the corridor.

Nelson admits he's had a few run-ins with the law over his pot smoking habits. 'If you're going to be out there with it, somebody's going to pull you over, just because they can. ... I talk about it a lot, but I'm not going to walk into some police station burning one down and say, 'How are you all doing?'

He says the pot smoking hasn't hindered his songwriting. On the contrary, it may have helped filter out the duds.

'I figured if it wasn't worth remembering it probably wasn't a very good song, so that would be the test, to see if I remembered it until I got back to a guitar or a piano,' he said. 'That was usually a pretty good measuring stick, but I'm sure I forgot a few that might have been OK.'

Nelson spreads "The Tao of Willie" - Yahoo! News

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Have you been to any of these places?

Top 50 Places to Have a Beer in America

From, here's a list of the most highly reviewed places to have a pint in America, as voted on by user reviews on the site. How many of these places have you been to?

Top 50 Places to Have a Beer in America - American Craft Beer Week 2006 - Beer Advocate

More celebrity iPod playlists

One more iPod playlist, from Anderson Cooper. Of course this is an ad, so it could totally be a manufactured list to show us how cool he is. The marketing/PR folks had fun with this one.

stereogum: Anderson Cooper, America's Indie Rock Cable News Anchor

Maybe we can make the country charts

I think Mike would look good in a cowboy hat ...

Pop stars turn to country music -

Monday, May 22, 2006

It's Hillary's turn

Last week we linked to Condi Rice's top musical choices, so it's only fair that we also check out the other side of the aisle. It seems that Bill bought Hillary an iPod for her birthday, and our Senator Clinton lets us know what tunes she's rocking these days.

‘Respect’ for Hillary Clinton's iPod picks -

Friday, May 19, 2006

The big money of motorsports

I guess I'll have to go buy some more Jack to help them pay for their NASCAR sponsorship.

The big money of motorsports - -

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Frank Sinatra & Antonio Carlos Jobim

Pretty dang cool and tropical. I feel like I'm on a beach.

Condi Rice picks her Top 10

What are your top 10 musical favorites? Compare your list to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's, a classically trained pianist.

'Acid' Queen? Condoleezza Rice Picks Her Ten Top Musical Favorites -- for Bono's Newspaper

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Can I get one for my birthday?

$3.54 mil? I'll take two. And can you wrap that up quick? I gotta go buy a Red Bull and some lottery tickets before "Deal or No Deal" comes on.

Stradivarius violin auctioned for $3.54 mil - THE ARTS -

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Two Parts Vodka, a Twist of Science

Some pretty bizarre science experiments with cocktails, including lasers, powders, and other very strange combinations. Maybe I'll just order a beer.

Two Parts Vodka, a Twist of Science - New York Times

Monday, May 15, 2006

Miami Vice trailer

So the "Miami Vice" movie is coming out soon, starring Jamie Foxx and Colin Farrell. The trailer looks pretty cool, but I'm worried that this isn't gonna be good at all. I hope I'm wrong. Click on the picture above or the link below to see the trailer.

Apple - Trailers - Miami Vice

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Axl is still alive?

Guns N’ Roses are back: Do you care? -

Friday, May 12, 2006

For us, it's usually Steve fixing his makeup

Why do bands keep audiences waiting? Richard Witts addressed the question recently in Cambridge University's international multi-disciplinary academic journal Popular Music. His study is called I'm Waiting for the Band: Protraction and Provocation at Rock Concerts.

So they did a study to determine why bands take so long to start a concert. What? Was there nothing left to study? No tse-tse fly defecation trials? Lord, help us all. | Delay peddlers

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Stairways to Heaven, Stairways to Hell (MP3s)

As of this writing, 68 versions of Stairway to Heaven available for mp3 download. You've got to be kidding me.

WFMU's Beware of the Blog: Stairways to Heaven, Stairways to Hell (MP3s)

I'd buy wine from Olivia

Hmm, wine from one of my favorite Australians, Oliva Newton-John. OK, I'll take one to go, please.

Koala Blue Wines - About Us

Monday, May 08, 2006

Protest songs seem to be the topic of the day

Lots of folks seem to be using their music to express political standpoints, like we're back in the 60's and 70's. Very interesting.

Music: Sounding Off on Bush - Newsweek Periscope -

Surgery for Keith

Looks like Keith's fall from the tree in Fiji is more serious that originally thought. Reports are that he has had surgery to remove a blod clot from his brain. Best wishes, man. - Report: Brain surgery for Richards

Music links from Whitney

Whitney Matheson from throws us a few music links today, from Pearl Jam to Scott Miller to a cover of Pat Benatar's Invincible. - Pop Candy: Archives

Friday, May 05, 2006

Why Kent State is important today

Tomorrow night at our show at Coleman's we'll play CSN&Y's "Ohio," chronicling the shootings that happened 36 years ago Thursday at Kent State University in Ohio. It's always vital to know history so that you can learn from it, and this event still resonates today. This editorial from The Boston Globe does a great job of bringing this iconic event into today's terms.

Why Kent State is important today - The Boston Globe

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Noisy neighbour's trombone taken

I know I'm not that good of a trombone player, but let's not call the cops, OK?!?

BBC NEWS | UK | Scotland | South of Scotland | Noisy neighbour's trombone taken

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Which is the Beatles best album?

Cast your vote now and read the reviewers opinions.

Which is the Beatles best album? - Great Disc Debate -

The same price as a Frosty

Apple has decided that it will keep selling single song downloads for $.99. Some of the major record labels wanted them to go higher or use variable pricing (more popular tunes cost more, etc.), but fantastically successful Apple just said, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." - Apple renews record label deals, sticks with 99 cents per song

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I think that we need to work on a few more metal tunes so that we can play places like this. Road trip, anyone?

At 'Metalfest,' trying to be heard amid dischord of screaming guitars - The Boston Globe

Monday, May 01, 2006

Bruce digs at George

At the New Orleans Jazz Fest, Bruce lit into the current administration about their policies and history with the recovery effort.

Springsteen vocalizes anger of New Orleans - Music -