Friday, March 31, 2006

The Vines - Vision Valley

You can listen to the new album from The Vines online at : The Vines : Hear Music First

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A look inside The Guitar Shop in DC

The collection of guitars is impressive: more than 2,000, not all on the premises, ranging in price from just under $200 to $100,000. Brands include Fender, Gibson and Martin, a brand that started more than 150 years ago.

"When you say you'd like a pre-war Martin, you better tell me which war. I have pre-Civil War Martins," he said.

Selling guitars, he said, is like "breeding show dogs and running the humane society for lost-cause dogs. You have to find homes for all of them."

Outfitter of Rock Legends, Regular Joes (may require registration)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Cash Cab is a really fun game show

"Cash Cab" on the Discovery Channel is a game show in a New York City cab. Highly entertaining. Check it out.

‘Cash Cab’ can be a lucrative ride - REALITY TV -
The official Cash Cab site from

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Rolling Stone : 10 Bands to Watch

Always looking for the next big thing? Check out this list of 10 up and coming artists.

Rolling Stone : 10 Bands to Watch

Friday, March 24, 2006

Steroids for the symphony

Classical musicians have been taking beta-blockers (often illegally obtained) to calm their nerves for years. Who knew?

Steroids for the symphony - March 2005

Listen to your iPod at work?

I pretty much have to have music on when I work, whether playing softly or through headphones as to not bother those around me. But there seem to be a lot of issues about this in the workplace, from inconsiderate folks blaring their music through the office to people not getting their work done or being aware of customers. Definitely something to think about. - Music hath charms for some workers others it annoys

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

MEB This Weekend

St. Patrick's Day may be over, but we're not giving up the Irish spirit just yet, bringing our rock and funk to Coleman's on Tipp Hill in Syracuse this Friday night March 24. There's always lots of cool people, nattily dressed bartenders, a great variety of imported beers on tap and tons of other beverage choices. And with the intimate set-up of the band, you get to be up-close and personal with us four sexy hunks of man-flesh (OK, maybe that's stretching it a little too far, eh?). Anyway, you never know who will show up - Paris Hilton, Orlando Bloom, John Daly, Lauren Holly, Madonna, Vince Vaughn, Maria Sharapova, David Hasselhoff??? - so make sure you're a part of the scene! We'll get going around 10.

As always, check the website and the MEBlog for a plethora of fun and info.

Mike, Jeff, Steve and Paul

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Surprises at SXSW

A quick recap of the SXSW from

Flaming Lips among surprises at SXSW - MUSIC -

Monday, March 20, 2006

The new Rockstar: Supernova

The producers behind "Rock Star" have now revealed that they've recruited three big names to form a rock supergroup, musicians who will leave it up to America to find the band's voice.

Mötley Crüe kitman Tommy Lee, former Metallica bassist and current Voivod member Jason Newsted, and onetime Guns N' Roses axeman Gilby Clarke will be banding together as Supernova, utilizing the Mark Burnett-produced "Rock Star" to secure a lead singer. - News - Tommy Lee, Jason Newsted Turn To 'Rock Star' For Supergroup Singer

Friday, March 17, 2006

This green beer's the real deal

Brooklyn Brewery is using wind power to supply electricity for its beer house, making their beer a real "green" brew.

From Wired News.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Pop Candy @ SXSW

Whitney Matheson, pop culture blogger for is at the South by Southwest festival in Austin this week and is blogging about her experiences. Belle & Sebastian, Lyle Lovett, Beth Orton, Perry Farrell, and much more get talked about and linked to on this page. It's an entertaining read. - Pop Candy

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

'Rock Star' hopefuls flock to Toronto

Maybe a supergroup, combining two bands for Rock Star this year?

CANOE -- JAM! Television: 'Rock Star' hopefuls flock to Toronto

Monday, March 13, 2006

south by southwest festivals + conferences

Someday, I'm going to make it to this incredible festival. What started out as a small gathering of up and coming independant artists has turned into the most influential festival and conference anywhere. They've added interactive media and film, too, and the city of Austin in just electric at this time of year.

south by southwest festivals + conferences

Friday, March 10, 2006

Rapture Riders

What a great mashup: "Rapture" and the Doors' "Riders On the Storm." | Blondie Greatest Hits to be released

Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'd definitely rather see Brad than Kenny

Paisley leads CMA nominations with six -

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Steve is looking over his shoulder

Because this 21-month old kid is banging the skins like a pro.

Metro Detroit toddler taps into talent

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A list, a list!!

One guy's list of the 100 Greatest Rock Guitarists. Agree, disagree, think he's full of crap, or has he nailed it?

100 Greatest Rock Guitarists

Monday, March 06, 2006

Will we be able to understand him? - Dylan to host satellite radio program

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Dee Snider's Twisted Polyp

Dee Snider, formerly of Twisted Sister, goes under the knife to have a polyp removed from his throat. Ow.

Dee Snider's Twisted Polyp - Mar 01, 2006 - E! Online News