Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy New Year, y'all!

Hope you all have a great 2006!

Follow the link to read about a New Year's Eve tradition in Germany that is more than just a little bit crazy!

The Mystery of Dinner for One - How an obscure British skit has become Germany's most popular New Year's tradition. By Jude Stewart

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Resolutions we just might keep

Let's Make Out In 2006! -

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Reuters - 2005 in Pictures

Be warned - there are some graphic images here, including dead bodies. And Courtney Love.

REUTERS Showcase

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Stereogum's Top 20 Albums Of 2005

And here's a different take on the top 20 albums of the year, from the indie music blog

stereogum: Stereogum's Top 20 Albums Of 2005

Looking forward to a new Velvet Revolver disc?

Hear about it from singer Scott Weiland.

ABC News: Velvet Revolver Pursuing 'Freedom' On New CD

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Top 50 Records of 2005

From our friends at Rolling Stone.

Top 10:
  1. Kanye West, Late Registration
  2. The Rolling Stones, A Bigger Bang
  3. White Stripes, Get Behind Me Satan
  4. Fiona Apple, Extraordinary Machine
  5. Bruce Springsteen, Devils and Dust
  6. My Morning Jacket, Z
  7. Beck, Guero
  8. Bright Eyes, I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
  9. Sufjan Stevens, Illinois
  10. 50 Cent, The Massacre

Rolling Stone : RS 990/991 Top 50 Records of 2005

A bash for Mozart's 250th

Huge Birthday Bash Set for Mozart's 250th
Official 250th birthday site (in English)

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

I was thinking Steve LaQuay was gonna get it.

Instead, Time Magazine named Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono as their "Persons of 2005."

LQ, you was robbed, dude.

Time names Gateses, Bono ‘Persons of 2005’ -

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

MIke's gotta move to Jersey

So he can get his "Born To Run" license plate.

KGET TV 17 - In the Spirit of the Golden Empire - New Jersey Honors the Boss With Plates

Sports and Sex in 2005

From our good friends at Page 2 : Another year, more sex

Thursday, December 15, 2005

A new deal for the Purple One

Prince got everything he wanted in new deal - MUSIC -

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Coldplay on Austin City Limits Saturday

You can watch a video clip preview now at this link, and Michael Stipe will also be on the show.

PBS: Austin City Limits - TV Schedule

Best Photos of '05 from Time

Kind of a depressing look, actually, as the majority of the pictures depict scenes resulting from hurricanes, the tsunami, earthquakes, and war. Is that how 2005 will be remembered?

TIME: The Best Photos of the Year 2005

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Gone too soon

While thinking about John Lennon's way-too-early departure, these folks have put together a slideshow of musicians that have left us before their time, like Warren Zevon (pictured).

NBC 4 - Slideshow
  • Robert Johnson - 27 - poisoning
  • George Gershwin - 38 - brain tumor
  • Glenn Miller - 40 - Heart attack
  • Hank Williams - 27 - unknown
  • Charlie Parker - 35 - heart attack, pneumonia, ulcers, and cirrhosis
  • Buddy Holly - 23 - plane crash
  • Ritchie Valens - 18 - plane crash
  • Big Bopper - 29 - plane crash
  • Patsy Cline - 31 - auto accident
  • Sam Cooke - 30 - shot by women he picked up in a bar
  • Nat King Cole - 46 - lung cancer
  • Otis Redding - 27 - plane crash
  • Brian Jones - 27 - drowning
  • Jimi Hendrix - 27 - Inhalation of vomit due while on barbiturates
  • Janis Joplin - 27 - drug overdose
  • Jim Morrison - 27 - heart failure
  • Duane Allman - 26 - motorcycle crash
  • Jim Croce - 30 - plane crash
  • Bobby Darin - 37 - died during heart surgery
  • Keith Moon - 32 - drug overdose (died in same room Mama Cass did)
  • Cass Elliot - 31 - heart attack
  • Elvis Presley - 42- cardiac arrhythmia
  • Sid Vicious - 22 - heroin overdose
  • John Bonham - 33 - alcohol abuse
  • John Lennon - 40 - shot by "deranged" fan
  • Bob Marley - 36 - cancer
  • John Belushi - 33 - cocaine and heroin overdose
  • Karen Carpenter - 33 - chronic anorexia
  • Marvin Gaye - 45 - pneumonia
  • Ricky Nelson - 45 - plane crash
  • Andy Gibb - 30 - myocarditis (a heart condition)
  • Stevie Ray Vaughan - 36 - helicopter crash
  • Freddie Mercury - 45 - AIDS
  • Frank Zappa - 53 - prostate cancer
  • Kurt Cobain - 27 - suicide by shotgun
  • Jerry Garcia - 53 - heart trouble exacerbated by sleep apnea
  • Selena - 24 - shot by president of her fan club
  • Tupac Shakur - 25 - shot in an "apparent robbery attempt"
  • Notorious B.I.G. - 24 - drive by shooting
  • Michael Hutchence - 37 - suicide by hanging
  • John Denver - 53 - plane crash
  • Carl Wilson - 52 - lung cancer
  • Aaliyah - 22 - plane crash
  • George Harrison - 57 - cancer
  • John Entwistle - 57 - heart attack
  • Maurice Gibb - 53- heart attack
  • Robert Palmer - 54 - heart attack
  • Warren Zevon - 56 - cancer
  • Rick James - 56 - heart attack

Monday, December 12, 2005

We gotta come up with an MEB Fan Club

4 Online Fan Clubs That Rock -

The Year In Review 2005

This site is collecting a whole bunch of "Best of 2005" lists from around the web. It's very entertaining. Here are a few exampes: Feeding On Itself

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Goodnight, Richard - Comedian Richard Pryor dies at 65 - Dec 11, 2005

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Once again, we're ignored

No Grammy nominations for the MEB once again. Snub-city. Jerks. At least John Legend was nominated for 8. - Carey, Legend, West are Grammy nominee leaders

CBGB keeps hanging around

Punk club CBGB gets one-year reprieve - MUSIC -

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Two shots of MEB this weekend

Sorry about last Saturday's cancellation at Coleman's, but they've promised us a make-up gig early next year, so stay tuned.

And you've got two more chances to catch us this weekend before we go on a little holiday break.

We'll start with a stop Friday Dec 9 at Wacky Wyatt's in B'ville. Time for a little Feliz Navidad starting around 7. It's the perfect place for families to come see us and have a little dinner and let the kids dance like we're The Wiggles.

And on Saturday Dec 10 we'll be migrating to Steve O's hometown of Solvay for a stop at the Bridge Street Tavern. To top it off, it's Steve's birthday, too, so you know there will be lots of craziness happening all night. Oh, my.

If we don't see you, have a great Holiday season and we'll catch up with you in January.

Mike, Jeff, Steve and Paul

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Ten reasons to drink during the holidays

Like we need 10 reasons.

Ten reasons to drink during the holidays -

Was it really 25 years ago?

It saddens me to this day. Where were you? Let me know by posting a comment below.

25 years later, Lennon's loss still being felt -

Monday, December 05, 2005

Marc Cohn's wife gets a new job

Vargas, Woodruff to share anchor desk at ABC

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Eastwood native takes an iconic picture

A photographer from Syracuse, Eric Meola, captured Bruce and Clarence in this historic photo for the album cover of Born To Run. It's cool to hear him talk about it.

Springsteen on the verge

Friday, December 02, 2005

They all do it eventually - Avril tries acting Avril Flocks to Movies

Thursday, December 01, 2005

UK bars are open later now!

And they did this to curb binge drinking. What?!?

Closing time for an antiquated U.K. booze law - Countdown with Keith Olbermann -