Monday, October 31, 2005
The MEB should sponsor something like this

All our MEB groupies can go to "camp" with us. Whaddayathink?
Rock star wannabes go to Camp Jam -
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Let's go cruising with Dave

Rat Dog, John Brown's Body, G. Love and Special Sauce and more will be entertaining you on this 3-day and 3-night cruise in February. Reserve your cabin now!
DMB Cruise
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
A little nostalgia time

Let's turn back the clock to the 70's and enjoy the music of the era. There are lots of interesting links and trivia at this fun site.
Music in the Super70s
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Panoramic NYC

This is a very cool panoramic picture of Manhattan taken from the Empire State Building. Pretty wild. What you see above is just a small part of the picture. Click the picture above or the link below to see the full panorama.
Skyline of New York City
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The genius of Stevie Wonder

He's got a new album out today, so it's worth reading more about one of the greatest musical icons of our generation.
A Wonder to behold - R&B/SOUL MUSIC -
UPDATE: This reviewer loves the classic Stevie but doesn't like the new CD much.
Looking for a new online radio station?

Alexa Digital Internet Radio is a great radio station. Lots of cool independent artist, great mix of stuff {rock, rap, singer/songwriter, r&b, etc.}, and all very well done. If you've got a nice broadband connection and want to listen to a cool station, turn Alexa on.
Alexa Digital Internet Radio - The Best Mix of Indie Music on the Web
Beer Pong goes Corporate

The marketers have taken over beer pong. God help us.
[Registration may be required]
As Young Adults Drink to Win, Marketers Join In - New York Times
Monday, October 17, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
An article for the ladies

The drink that you order on a date, ladies, gives an impression to us guys. Here's a fun article that talks about what the drink you choose tells us about you. I'll have a first impression, with a twist
A new training manual for Steve

Let's see if we can turn Steve into a pickup artist. Yeah, fat chance!
[You know we love you, Junior!] - How to pick up girls - Oct 5, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
There's a documentary about Hanson?

"Strong Enough to Break" is a new documentary about the trials and tribulations of the band Hanson and the wacked out music industry. Here's a synopsis.
They went from MMMBop to nearly MMMdropped off the face of the earth after some record company shennanigans. But Issac, Taylor and Zac were just some talented kids with an impeccable commercial track record who wanted to make good music. Check out the first 8 minutes of this documentary, an Ifilm exclusive, which documents them making demos, battling the suits and eventually crawling from the wreckage. (And watch for cameos from Third Eye Blind's Stephen Jenkins and Matthew Sweet, among others.) An amazing look at an industry that likes to eat its young and three plucky lads who didn't want to be anybody's lunch.
Watch the first 8 minutes of the documentary by following the link below.
IFILM - Music Videos: Hanson: Strong Enough to Break (First 8 Minutes)
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
MEB helps the VH1 Save The Music Foundation

Sponsored by the Mu Beta Psi fraternity at Oswego, we're the opening acoustic act for a concert to benefit the VH1 Save The Music Foundation on Thursday October 20, starting at 8:00 PM. The headliner is Blue Jupiter, a very hip NYC-based vocal jazz group. They've been featured nationally in everything from an Oreo commercial to an appearance on Oprah. It's a great cause and should be an incredible show, so we look forward to seeing you.
$3 donation at the door, $2 with student ID.
Map & Directions
Blue Jupiter:

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Cool move from Will Smith

Will is filming a movie about a former homeless man from San Francisco (Chris Gardner, pictured above) that climbed up to become a millionare stockbrocker. To fill the roles of extras, the producers are hiring actual homeless people, both giving the movie authenticity and doint their part to give back to the community. Pretty darn cool.
S.F. homeless earn paychecks for work as film extras / New 'movie stars' make $8.62 an hour, gain recognition and self-esteem boost
Monday, October 10, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
But do we need a new Hilary Duff?

Isn't the old Hilary Duff bad enough? Do we really need Sara Paxton?
Sara Paxton could be the next Hilary Duff - Dance/Pop music -
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Is golf getting easier? talks about how the increase in technology has made golf for top professionals so much easier. From non-wound balls to carbon fiber clubs to extensive training routines, some classic old golf courses have become "too easy" for the pro tour.
Wired News: Golf's New Handicap: Technology
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I just love Oktoberfest

How about this stat - over 6 million litres of beer were consumed at this year's Oktoberfest in Munich. And that's down from last year. Wow. Just wow.
The official website
Oktoberfest |