Sometimes success is tougher than it looks

Mindy McCready has had a rough last few years. Drug and drunken driving charges, jail, domestic abuse and more have been a part of her life recently, and it's not a pretty sight. This is a sad story of a fall from grace, and hopefully a cautionary tale for young musicians dreaming of a life of fame and fortune.
McCready’s list of problems is long:
- August 2004: Charged with using a fake prescription to obtain the pain medicine OxyContin. She pleaded guilty in November.
- May 2005: Charged with drunken driving in Nashville. The charge is pending.
- May 2005: Former boyfriend William McKnight charged with attempted murder after he allegedly broke into her home and beat her up. Charges against McKnight are pending.
- July 2005: Charged in Lake Havasu City, Ariz., with unlawful use of transportation and hindering prosecution after police say she and a known con-man tried to use her celebrity to obtain two luxury boats. Charges are pending.
- July 2005: Hospitalized in Florida after a drug overdose that authorities say appeared to be a suicide attempt.
- August 2005: Jailed in Tennessee after authorities say she violated her probation on the drug charge. She was released on bond and the case is scheduled for trial in November.
- Earlier this month she testified in court that she was pregnant by McKnight, the man charged with trying to kill her. Later she was hospitalized after overdosing on antidepressants after a quarrel with McKnight.