Tuesday, November 30, 2004

The NHL should listen to U2

John Buccigross from ESPN.com talks about how the new U2 CD "How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" can teach the NHL some lessons about the "lockout." A little weird, but an interesting read for music fans and hockey fans alike.

ESPN.com - NHL - Buccigross: How to dismantle ...

Monday, November 29, 2004

U2's new CD is released today

And this reviewer says it's good - much more than just an iPod commercial.

CD reviews / U2 returns to soulful form on 'Atomic Bomb'

Sunday, November 28, 2004

"Peer Impact," eh?

New file-swapping service from Universal, Sony/BMG and Warner. Veeeeeeery interesting.

Will you use it?

MSNBC - 3 music giants create new online service

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Just love this lady and her voice

Alison Krauss and Union Station are one my guilty pleasures. She's beautiful, has a great soothing voice, and the band is just perfect behind her. Pick up a copy of her stuff, you'll enjoy it.

The Official Site of Alison Krauss & Union Station

Monday, November 22, 2004

Rock'n'roll to blast across new frontiers

Rock'n'roll to blast across new frontiers. 21/11/2004. ABC News Online

Friday, November 19, 2004

Now here's a different kind of collaboration

Kanye West and John Mayer - now this is gonna be interesting.

From VH1.com: Kanye West And John Mayer Collaborate But Won't Elaborate

Thursday, November 18, 2004

What Their Mommas Named Them

If you've ever wondered about Hip Hop and R&B artists and what their real names are, this page is for you. Like Big Boi (Antwan Andre Patton) or Nate Dogg (Nathaniel Dwayne Hale) or Stevie Wonder (Steveland Judkins) or Bo Diddley (Otha Elias Bates McDaniel). Lots of fun.

real names of hip hop and r&b artists - whudat.com

Still no MEB songs on this list, either

Dylan's Like a Rolling Stone is No. 1 in Rolling Stone's latest list. This time, they've taken it upon themselves to declare the '500 Greatest Songs of All Time.'

HoustonChronicle.com - Rolling Stone names all-time best songs

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Wilco streams their new album for free

Wired News: 'Music Is Not a Loaf of Bread'

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Michael Jackson releases a new 5-disc box set

Not sure how I feel about this, but I think Steve O. will immediately pick up a copy.

Boston.com CD reviews / The thriller is back with 'Ultimate' set

Monday, November 15, 2004

We weren't even nominated?

So they held the American Music Awards last night. Yeah, it's just another made-up awards show, created by Dick Clark to fill some Sunday night programming for ABC and to dump more cash into his bank account. But they gotta find a way to make it a little more relevant to the real music scene.

For example, here's the nominees for "Favorite Male Artist — Pop or Rock"
  • Josh Groban
  • Lenny Kravitz
  • Michael McDonald
  • Usher
What!?!? A quasi-opera singer, a guy on the downhill slide that keeps doing annoying covers, a phone commercial guy who was last relevant 20 years ago, and one guy that acutally fits this category (luckily, he won).

Not that I don't appreciate all four of them, but are these the top 4 male artists of the year!?!?

God, I hate this stuff almost as much as those troughs at the Dome (see below).

From LiveDaily.com

I'm all for ending those troughs

New Group Fighting For Better Toilets

Friday, November 12, 2004

Now here's some real alcohol abuse


Derailment spills 20,00 gallons of beer

There might be a new Who album on the way

Roger and Pete are getting together to play a little music and see what comes of it. It won't be the same without Keith and John, but it's bound to be interesting.

From Yahoo! News - New Who Album May Appear Next Spring.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Get rid of Internet Explorer and its security issues

I use Mozilla Firefox almost exclusively when I'm on the web instead of Internet Explorer, so I'm one of the 8% that don't use IE. My browser of choice is Firefox, and I like it a lot better. It's faster, more secure, has lots of cool add-on tools (searching, blogging, viewing images, etc.). The tabbed browsing is really useful, and I love a lot of the little features about it.

I've been using a preview release, but the full version (1.0) has been released today. Download it and give it a try. You can import all your IE Favorites, so you won't miss a thing.

Some people say that it's only popular with tech geeks (which I admit that I am), but I think it's a great new tool for all users. I think us tech geeks use it for a reason, and that's because it's better.

At the bottom there are instructions for downloading it. Since today is the official release, the links may be a little slow, but try it later if you can't get to it. It's worth the wait.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Band Aid rides again

CNN.com - Geldof gets tax refund for Band Aid.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Lil' Kim coming to talk to SU class

Syracuse University students taking "Hip-Hop Eshu: Queen B@#$H101 -- The Life and Times of Lil' Kim" will have a guest speaker Wednesday -- the multiplatinum recording artist herself.

From CNN.com

Even the British royals are bowing down to King Clapton

Clapton Gets Honor From Buckingham Palace

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Songs to inspire you on Election Day

MSNBC - Turn up the volume and cast your vote

Guess Jay-Z and R. Kelly aren't getting along

Yahoo! News - R. Kelly's Camp Considers Legal Action