Saturday, July 31, 2004

What music is Liz Phair downloading?

Ever wonder what tunes Barry Manilow is downloading, or Sheryl Crow, or Missy Elliot? No, me neither, but it does make for some fascinating reading.

Actually, this is really just a lame ploy to post a picture of dirty girl Liz Phair, but that's besides the point.

MSNBC - What are celebrities listening to?

So how long do we have to wait for "blog?"

‘Pleather’ and ‘MP3’ are among the dictionary’s new words, as the editors at Merriam-Webster pick words in their annual update. AP article @

Thursday, July 29, 2004

National Night Out block party in W. Henrietta

We are always happy to perform for a good cause, and this is definitely one. We're playing for a block party in West Henrietta (outside of Rochester) as part of the National Night Out celebration on Tuesday August 3. This nationally coordinated event supports the Neighborhood Watch programs and is intended to raise awareness for this great organization. There will be fun for the whole family, with clowns, a karate demonstration, pizza and soda, Police, Fire and Emergency vehicles to tour and see, and so much more.

We'll be playing from 6-9 in the cul-de-sac at the end of Hummingbird Way. Visit this page for the complete press release about the event and for driving directions.

Hope to see all our Rochester-area friends there in support of this great cause.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Not "Out On The Town" or "One Lane Bridge"?

ESPN Page 3' Eric Neel gives his opinion on the best and worst stadium songs. YMCA? Hot In Herre? Welcome To The Jungle? Cotton Eyed Joe?


Page 3 - Sweet (and sour) stadium songs.

Let's analyze a fad - graphic T-shirts

I love how journalists want to try to explain the latest fashion fads. Why are retro/vintage graphic t-shirts popular? Aren't they cool? Let's interview the "man on the street" (or the kid in the mall). Just so annoying.

I think I'd prefer pictures of hot women wearing these shirts ...

All about graphic tees.

Monday, July 26, 2004

I swear I know that song ...

Courtesy of Ken Casarsa, here's a great link. What's That Called? is a site where they'll tell you what song is playing in certain commercials. The tune from the Geico commercial with the gecko riding in a car? It's CB Song from The Legendary Shack Shakers. The dancing old guy in the Six Flags spot? It's We Like To Party from the Vengaboys. And you can search by artist, song title, or company, plus listen to audio samples.

Save this link - it's lots of fun.

What's That Called? - music used in TV commercials.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Whatever happened to Jersey?

Springsteen fan magazine and website moves to North Carolina. Huh?

Article @ My Way News.
The website -

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Let's go see the Batavia Muckdogs tonight, honey

So if you're a retired couple from Seattle and you're looking for something to do, why not go on a road trip? And since they're baseball fans, why not visit each of the 30 major league stadiums? Heck, why not get some of the minor league stadiums, too? And while we're at it, let's just go to all 140 minor league parks!

Jim and Andrea Siscel have spent the last three years travelling to every single major and minor league park and have documented their travels on their website. It's a fascinating trip around the country.

Here is Jim & Andrea's Baseball Road Trip website.
And here's an article from The Seattle Times about their adventure.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Worst songs of great rockers

Sometimes even the best of us write crappy songs. Well, Mike doesn't, but I do. Heck, Steph will shoot me if we ever do "Timmy's Website" again. [yeah, I know, some of you even like the song.]

The staff at the Palm Beach Post put together a list of the worst songs ever done by great artists. Like Squeezebox from The Who, and My Ding-a-ling by Chuck Berry. Can't really disagree with either of those being really crappy songs from classic artists.

Let us know if you disagree with anything on the list, and add your own if you'd like. Use the "comments" link to add your own.

The list @ the Palm Beach Post.

Now, children, who took the CD?

A copy of an unfinished, unreleased U2 CD has turned up missing after a photo shoot.

OK, kids, no one leaves this room until I find out who took the CD. We'll stay here all day if we have to. And no recess. And no whining from you, Timmy.

Friday, July 16, 2004

I can't believe Mike isn't on this list.

Paul Katcher from ESPN Page 3 puts together his list of the top 15 coolest celebrities. I think I could hang out with a few of these folks, don't you? Give me a call, Brad, you've got my digits, dude! And, um, can Jennifer come, too? Please?
OK, maybe not.  Some other celebs on the list: Tom Brady, Tom Cruise, LeBron James, Tina Fey.
What, no Flatface?  No Lemmy?  No Jared from Subway?  No Jimmy Buffet or Stacey Kiebler or Lindsay Lohan or Happy Jack Davis?  What the heck kind of list is this?!

Page 3 - Top 15 coolest celebrities.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Where, oh where have all the old stadiums gone?

If you're a baseball fan travelling on vacation this summer and looking for some interesting little side trips, here's a fun article on 10 former baseball stadiums and a little "where are they now?". It includes Forbes Field in Pittsburgh, the Polo Grounds in NY, and even the old Metropolitan Stadium in Minneapolis (which is now the site of the massive Mall of America).

Before the 1912 opening of Fenway Park, Huntington Avenue Grounds was home to the Boston Red Sox. Now located on the campus of Northeastern University, there is a life-size statue of Cy Young (pictured) located near where the pitcher's mound used to be.

And just for fun, there are former minor league parks in Seattle and Houston.

Even if you're not heading to these places, it's a fun read.

Check out Diamonds in the dust from

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Big & Rich doesn't play by the rules

The hottest new outlaws from Nashville, Big & Rich. This ain't your daddy's country music!

Details @

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Philly's hip-hop pioneers, The Roots, have a new CD out

Read the review of The Roots' new CD "Tipping Point," which starts like this:

Always expect the unexpected from the Roots. On their genre-expanding 2002 album “Phrenology,” the Philadelphia hip-hop band flirted with punk, downshifted neo-soul into a drum n’ bass workout, and imagined their guitar-riffing hip-hop as rock ’n’ roll’s offspring. The disc was heady, ambitious and undeniably progressive.

Now on “The Tipping Point,” instead of further tinkering with song structure and metaphor, they’ve opted to make their sound more accessible. review of The Roots' 'Tipping Point'.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Ah, the Disco Demolition Night at Comiskey was 25 years ago

Jim Caple from's Page 2 has a great article about the 25th anniversary of the ill-fated Disco Demolition Night in Chicago, scheduled to happen between games of a twi-night doubleheader between the White Sox and the Detroit Tigers. If you brought in a disco record to be demolished, you got in for 98¢ (it was co-sponsored by a radio station). More than 50,000 people showed up. Baseball fans ... you gotta love 'em. They delayed the first game between the White Sox and the Tigers (won by Detroit, 4-1) several times by throwing the records onto the field like frisbees. Then, when the White Sox promotions team started the bonfire to burn the records in the outfield between games, as many as 5,000 fans stormed onto the field, tore up the grass and wouldn't leave. The second game was called off. It was only the fourth forfeit in Major League Baseball history.

The article also talks about other songs that we should ban from baseball. Read it on Page 2.

And here is an interesting page about the event with color pictures and newspaper clippings of the post-event coverage.

Ziggy's ticker isn't co-operating

David Bowie had an emergency angioplasty recently after a serious arterial blockage was discovered. Hope he's on the road to recovery soon.

News blurb from AP.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Twice the fun this weekend

You've got 2 chances to see us live this weekend and the weather's supposed to be great, so we're looking forward to seeing you out.

Friday July 9 we'll be playing and partying at Coleman's on Tipp Hill in Syracuse. And it's Tom Hanks' birthday, so what's could be better? We'll start around 10.

Saturday night we're hanging out on the deck of the Bluewater Grill in Baldwinsville from 8-12. Chad and the folks there will make sure you have a good time, so it should be a fun one.

Some interesting technology behind the online music biz

Gracenote has quietly become one of the most powerful companies in digital music -- but many of its users have probably never heard of it. Its music-identification technology powers media players like AOL and the ever-popular iPod. For recording labels, Gracenote's technology is a key part of making the digital music business hassle-free and fan-friendly.

"The House That Music Fans Built" from Wired News.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Always interesting to see new artists

From VH1, here's a section they call "You Oughta Know," featuring up and coming artist from a number of different genres. It's pretty darn interesting. Check it out @

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

Red, white and groovin'

Ten songs that celebrate America for the Fourth of July from Michael Ventre @

Monday, July 05, 2004

Red, White and Blue photo gallery

Here are some neat patriotic pictures for Eastern Tennessee. Happy 4th!

Gallery @

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Andrew, we're thinking of you

My cousin Andrew Harbison is in Iraq, and on this Independence Day we're all thinking about him and praying for his safety. Every day we appreciate the sacrifice these guys and gals are making for us, keeping this country as great as it is.

Glenn Reynolds from talks about a couple of websites where you can show your support for the troops:

If you'd like to celebrate by helping some American soldiers, you might want to visit the Soldiers' Angels site and make a donation. Another worthy site is Spirit of America, which is doing all sorts of good work in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Happy 228th Birthday, USA, and let's bring Andy home soon.

Friday, July 02, 2004

On the road to Cazenovia

The weather looks absolutely perfect for tonight, so you gotta come out and hang with us at the Brae Loch Inn in Cazenovia. Nobody is a better host than Jim and Val Barr, and we hope Tyler brings his harmonica and joins in. Their food is amazing, and the bar is a great party during and after the gig. We play 7-11.

The Brae Loch also overnight accomodations and banquet facilities, so check them out for your special events. Find out more at their website.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Uh, oh, Apple: Competition for the iPod

Sony is introducing their new version of the Walkman, a 20-gig player that is a direct competitor for the iPod. And if I read it correctly, it even plays mp3s. Actually, it converts mp3s into a proprietary format for use on the player, but you can load your mp3s onto it (which you can't do on the iPod). No, wait, this article says you can't do that. OK, now I'm confused.

Wait, here's the answer from a different article:

The Walkman supports only Sony's ATRAC3 compression format, versions of which are used with Sony's MiniDisc players and its recently-launched Windows-only "Connect" online music store. Music files encoded in other formats, such as MP3, first have to be converted to ATRAC3 before they can be played and software to accomplish this is included. Transcoding typically results in some reduction in quality.

I feel much better now.

"New Sony Walkman aims to silence iPod" on