Friday, April 30, 2004

Great - something else to lose, right after my car keys disappear

An eMusicLive USB pen drive and live music kiosk are shown in New York on April 27. Users can now load a live recording of a show onto a cigarette-lighter-sized hard-drive that can hang off a keychain.

Looks like we have to book a gig @ Maxwell's, a small indie-rock club in Hoboken, N.J. . . . . .

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Michigan's 'Hold' Music Gets Much Hipper

Yahoo! News - Michigan's 'Hold' Music Gets Much Hipper

I'm so glad it's not winter anymore ...

It's 76º in Central New York today, and we're loving it. Just seems like yesterday that we were putting up with stuff like the picture below. Ah, life in Syracuse.

This makes me cold

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Finally, David Caruso from "CSI: American Idol" goes home article

/my "friend" votes for Diana ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Who knew there was a hip hop violinist?

Violinist Miri Ben-Ari studied Beethoven and Bach as a child, but her passion followed the rhymes of rappers Biggie Smalls and Tupac.

Miri Ben-Ari
Article on

Monday, April 26, 2004

Marc Cohn - Singer/Songwriter

One of our favorite writers/artists.

move real easy | Cohn Central

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Pics from our DC/Northern VA trip

Photo Gallery

Good Times @ Manhattan's

We always enjoy a rockin' night at Manhattan's and last night was no exception. With Carmello and the Nuggets on the TV, bartender Amy pouring great drinks, MEB music in the air, and lots of cool folks stopping by, how could it be any better?

Thanks to our "peeps" for coming out: John, Donna, Mike, Lisa, Joanie, Rachel, Josh, Fred, Steve, Dave, Melissa, Bethany, Michelle, and more.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Manhattan's tomorrow night

We always have a good time at Downtown Manhattan's in Hanover Square. A few steps down from the street, we plant ourselves right in the front of the bar and get a close-up view of all the comings and goings of all the patrons, since you pretty much have to walk through us to get in or out of the place. And with a number of other bars in crawling distance {Bull and Bear, Quigley's next door, etc.}, and Armory Square just a few blocks away, it makes for a great party night.

Hope to see y'all out on the town.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Always good for a chuckle or two ... Entertainment Forum

Blog blog blog blog blog. No, seriously.

Just thought we'd get in on the trend here and start our own MEB blog, hereafter known as "MEBlog." Pretty original name, eh?

Although we can't guarantee that we'll post something every day, we'll try to keep it interesting and insightful and fun. And, if nothing else, it will be a nice boredom reliever.